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Posts by Trevor Lewis

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It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>\n", "post_body" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<h2><span>The Immersive Dive: Unraveling Shopper Habits</span></h2>\n<p>Envision this: a squad of 11-year-olds, my daughter leading the pack, expertly maneuvering through the expansive aisles of retail giant Target. I wasn't a passive onlooker; I dove headfirst into their world. From the moment we stepped into the store to the vibrant buzz at the checkout, every move, every decision, had me hooked. This immersive journey went beyond the physical space; it was a deep dive into unraveling the intricate dynamics of their decision-making process.</p>\n<p>While this shopping escapade wasn't a new experience for me, it triggered a thought. It struck me that some brands might be missing the mark when it comes to considering Gen-Alpha in their game plan for in-store displays, store layouts, and the overall in-store vibe.</p>\n<p>The discussions sparked by this eye-opening expedition around the office water cooler resonated profoundly with our team. It hit us that this would be a prime topic to share with our audience—a gateway to delve into the art of crafting environments that seamlessly align with the preferences of the next generation.</p>\n<h2><span>Probing Brand Discovery: Where Do They Find Us?</span></h2>\n<p>I needed to get beyond mere observation. So, I plunged into the world of 11-year-olds, exploring their wishes, their dreams. Answers to the question: “What were your top five Christmas wishes?” (not what they got) revealed their desires, aspirations, and preferences that weren’t immediately clear.</p>\n<p>What products do these young consumers want?</p>\n<p>What features and values do they look for in health and beauty products?</p>\n<p>I quickly concluded that these conversations could serve as the groundwork for crafting future offerings that authentically resonate with the next generation.</p>\n<p>Now, let's connect this to the real-world experience.</p>\n<h2><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\">Trends in Beauty and Cosmetics</h2>\n<p>As of 2023, the beauty market has been experiencing remarkable growth, with skincare, fragrance, makeup, and haircare generating a whopping $430 billion in revenue. This isn't just a market; it's a thriving ecosystem of opportunities waiting to be explored. And guess who's at the forefront of this revolution? <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The 11-year-old influencers. </span></p>\n<p>Trends show a growing preference for specific ingredients like hyaluronic acid, a heightened interest in sustainability, and a desire for personalized experiences. What I witnessed at the heels of those 11-year-olds in Target aligned perfectly with these industry shifts.</p>\n<p>Moreover, the rise of e-commerce in beauty and cosmetics indicates a shift in consumer behavior towards online purchasing. This resonates with our need to understand the digital behaviors of younger consumers, a crucial aspect we addressed during our immersive shopping journey. The evolving tastes and preferences in the beauty industry, inspired by influential styles and a growing demand for unisex products, underline the importance of engaging with and understanding the younger audience.</p>\n<p>Looking ahead to 2024, the brands and retailers that pay attention to these observations are the ones set to lead the way in the ever-evolving landscape of shopper marketing.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing (4)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\"></p>\n<h2>Partnering with InStore Design Display</h2>\n<p>Here's where InStore Design Display steps into the picture, adding an extra layer of innovation and expertise to the equation. As the Chief Revenue Officer, I'm proud to say that our commitment goes beyond just understanding the trends—we're actively shaping them.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span>\"We believe every brand deserves an expert to guide and elevate their in-store experience.\" — Team IDD</span></h2>\n</blockquote>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We focus on ensuring that your displays are not just visually appealing but also align with your brand's identity. Our point of purchase (POP) solutions are designed and crafted with precision, combining creativity with strategic placement to drive sales and engagement.</p>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">We deliver our expertise in deployment management to ensure your in-store displays not only captivate your audience but are executed seamlessly. Project management is our forte. We excel at project coordination, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision. From setting realistic project timelines to tracking budgets, we provide a transparent and efficient process.</p>\n<p>We're not just about executing projects; we're about creating success stories and impact with custom retail solutions. Our in-store display rollouts are not just successful; they are backed by compelling case studies that showcase the positive influence on sales and brand perception.</p>\n<h2>Overall: A Mindset Shift</h2>\n<p>What started as a stroll through Target turned into a revelation—a mindset shift in how we approach shopper marketing. It's not just about selling products; it's about <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">creating experiences</span> that resonate with the values and aspirations of the next generation. When you are ready to deliver that kind of experience to your ideal shopper, we're ready to partner.&nbsp; Click on the Contact Us link and let us know about your project.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>{{cta('e2c608ea-fc13-43c8-a18b-e701c9576dd3')}}</p>\n<hr>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Trevor Lewis (1)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 150px; margin: 30px 23px 30px 0px; float: left;\"></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">About the Author</span><br><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">Trevor Lewis is InStore Design Display's chief revenue officer, partner, and brand evangelist. He co-hosts the <a href=\"/podcast\" rel=\"noopener\">Blue Light Special Podcast</a>, where CPG brand marketers go to learn more about retail and real life. Follow him on </span><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size: 16rem;\">LinkedIn</a><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\"> where he regularly t</span><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">alks about #cpg, #health, #dadlife, #displaymarketing, and #shoppermarketing.</span></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>", "rss_summary" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>\n", "rss_body" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<h2><span>The Immersive Dive: Unraveling Shopper Habits</span></h2>\n<p>Envision this: a squad of 11-year-olds, my daughter leading the pack, expertly maneuvering through the expansive aisles of retail giant Target. I wasn't a passive onlooker; I dove headfirst into their world. From the moment we stepped into the store to the vibrant buzz at the checkout, every move, every decision, had me hooked. This immersive journey went beyond the physical space; it was a deep dive into unraveling the intricate dynamics of their decision-making process.</p>\n<p>While this shopping escapade wasn't a new experience for me, it triggered a thought. It struck me that some brands might be missing the mark when it comes to considering Gen-Alpha in their game plan for in-store displays, store layouts, and the overall in-store vibe.</p>\n<p>The discussions sparked by this eye-opening expedition around the office water cooler resonated profoundly with our team. It hit us that this would be a prime topic to share with our audience—a gateway to delve into the art of crafting environments that seamlessly align with the preferences of the next generation.</p>\n<h2><span>Probing Brand Discovery: Where Do They Find Us?</span></h2>\n<p>I needed to get beyond mere observation. So, I plunged into the world of 11-year-olds, exploring their wishes, their dreams. Answers to the question: “What were your top five Christmas wishes?” (not what they got) revealed their desires, aspirations, and preferences that weren’t immediately clear.</p>\n<p>What products do these young consumers want?</p>\n<p>What features and values do they look for in health and beauty products?</p>\n<p>I quickly concluded that these conversations could serve as the groundwork for crafting future offerings that authentically resonate with the next generation.</p>\n<p>Now, let's connect this to the real-world experience.</p>\n<h2><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\">Trends in Beauty and Cosmetics</h2>\n<p>As of 2023, the beauty market has been experiencing remarkable growth, with skincare, fragrance, makeup, and haircare generating a whopping $430 billion in revenue. This isn't just a market; it's a thriving ecosystem of opportunities waiting to be explored. And guess who's at the forefront of this revolution? <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The 11-year-old influencers. </span></p>\n<p>Trends show a growing preference for specific ingredients like hyaluronic acid, a heightened interest in sustainability, and a desire for personalized experiences. What I witnessed at the heels of those 11-year-olds in Target aligned perfectly with these industry shifts.</p>\n<p>Moreover, the rise of e-commerce in beauty and cosmetics indicates a shift in consumer behavior towards online purchasing. This resonates with our need to understand the digital behaviors of younger consumers, a crucial aspect we addressed during our immersive shopping journey. The evolving tastes and preferences in the beauty industry, inspired by influential styles and a growing demand for unisex products, underline the importance of engaging with and understanding the younger audience.</p>\n<p>Looking ahead to 2024, the brands and retailers that pay attention to these observations are the ones set to lead the way in the ever-evolving landscape of shopper marketing.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing (4)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\"></p>\n<h2>Partnering with InStore Design Display</h2>\n<p>Here's where InStore Design Display steps into the picture, adding an extra layer of innovation and expertise to the equation. As the Chief Revenue Officer, I'm proud to say that our commitment goes beyond just understanding the trends—we're actively shaping them.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span>\"We believe every brand deserves an expert to guide and elevate their in-store experience.\" — Team IDD</span></h2>\n</blockquote>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We focus on ensuring that your displays are not just visually appealing but also align with your brand's identity. Our point of purchase (POP) solutions are designed and crafted with precision, combining creativity with strategic placement to drive sales and engagement.</p>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">We deliver our expertise in deployment management to ensure your in-store displays not only captivate your audience but are executed seamlessly. Project management is our forte. We excel at project coordination, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision. From setting realistic project timelines to tracking budgets, we provide a transparent and efficient process.</p>\n<p>We're not just about executing projects; we're about creating success stories and impact with custom retail solutions. Our in-store display rollouts are not just successful; they are backed by compelling case studies that showcase the positive influence on sales and brand perception.</p>\n<h2>Overall: A Mindset Shift</h2>\n<p>What started as a stroll through Target turned into a revelation—a mindset shift in how we approach shopper marketing. It's not just about selling products; it's about <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">creating experiences</span> that resonate with the values and aspirations of the next generation. When you are ready to deliver that kind of experience to your ideal shopper, we're ready to partner.&nbsp; Click on the Contact Us link and let us know about your project.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>{{cta('e2c608ea-fc13-43c8-a18b-e701c9576dd3')}}</p>\n<hr>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Trevor Lewis (1)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 150px; margin: 30px 23px 30px 0px; float: left;\"></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">About the Author</span><br><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">Trevor Lewis is InStore Design Display's chief revenue officer, partner, and brand evangelist. He co-hosts the <a href=\"/podcast\" rel=\"noopener\">Blue Light Special Podcast</a>, where CPG brand marketers go to learn more about retail and real life. Follow him on </span><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size: 16rem;\">LinkedIn</a><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\"> where he regularly t</span><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">alks about #cpg, #health, #dadlife, #displaymarketing, and #shoppermarketing.</span></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>", "tag_ids" : [ 56468029809, 76877835426, 135463177117 ], "topic_ids" : [ 56468029809, 76877835426, 135463177117 ], "enable_google_amp_output_override" : false, "generate_json_ld_enabled" : true, "public_access_rules" : [ ], "public_access_rules_enabled" : false, "html_title" : "Through the Eyes of Gen-Alpha: A Shopper Marketing Revolution Unveiled", "blog_post_schedule_task_uid" : null, "blog_publish_to_social_media_task" : "DONE_NOT_SENT", "blog_publish_instant_email_task_uid" : "DONE", "blog_publish_instant_email_campaign_id" : null, "blog_publish_instant_email_retry_count" : null, "keywords" : [ ], "composition_id" : 0, "is_crawlable_by_bots" : false, "property_for_dynamic_page_title" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_slug" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_meta_description" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_featured_image" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_canonical_url" : null, "preview_image_src" : null, "legacy_blog_tabid" : null, "legacy_post_guid" : null, "performable_variation_letter" : null, "style_override_id" : null, "has_user_changes" : true, "css" : { }, "css_text" : "", "unpublished_at" : 0, "published_by_id" : 10651595, "allowed_slug_conflict" : false, "ai_features" : null, "link_rel_canonical_url" : null, "page_redirected" : false, "page_expiry_enabled" : null, "page_expiry_date" : null, "page_expiry_redirect_id" : null, "page_expiry_redirect_url" : null, "deleted_by_id" : null, "deleted_by" : null, "state_when_deleted" : null, "cloned_from" : null, "staged_from" : null, "personas" : [ ], "compose_body" : null, "featured_image" : "", "featured_image_alt_text" : "Next Generation Shoppers Insights", "featured_image_width" : 3200, "featured_image_height" : 1680, "publish_timezone_offset" : null, "theme_settings_values" : null, "enable_layout_stylesheets" : null, "tweet" : null, "tweet_at" : null, "campaign_name" : null, "campaign_utm" : null, "meta_keywords" : null, "meta_description" : "Uncover trends in the beauty industry with insights on the shopper behaviors of Gen Alpha girls. 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It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<h2><span>The Immersive Dive: Unraveling Shopper Habits</span></h2>\n<p>Envision this: a squad of 11-year-olds, my daughter leading the pack, expertly maneuvering through the expansive aisles of retail giant Target. I wasn't a passive onlooker; I dove headfirst into their world. From the moment we stepped into the store to the vibrant buzz at the checkout, every move, every decision, had me hooked. This immersive journey went beyond the physical space; it was a deep dive into unraveling the intricate dynamics of their decision-making process.</p>\n<p>While this shopping escapade wasn't a new experience for me, it triggered a thought. It struck me that some brands might be missing the mark when it comes to considering Gen-Alpha in their game plan for in-store displays, store layouts, and the overall in-store vibe.</p>\n<p>The discussions sparked by this eye-opening expedition around the office water cooler resonated profoundly with our team. It hit us that this would be a prime topic to share with our audience—a gateway to delve into the art of crafting environments that seamlessly align with the preferences of the next generation.</p>\n<h2><span>Probing Brand Discovery: Where Do They Find Us?</span></h2>\n<p>I needed to get beyond mere observation. So, I plunged into the world of 11-year-olds, exploring their wishes, their dreams. Answers to the question: “What were your top five Christmas wishes?” (not what they got) revealed their desires, aspirations, and preferences that weren’t immediately clear.</p>\n<p>What products do these young consumers want?</p>\n<p>What features and values do they look for in health and beauty products?</p>\n<p>I quickly concluded that these conversations could serve as the groundwork for crafting future offerings that authentically resonate with the next generation.</p>\n<p>Now, let's connect this to the real-world experience.</p>\n<h2><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\">Trends in Beauty and Cosmetics</h2>\n<p>As of 2023, the beauty market has been experiencing remarkable growth, with skincare, fragrance, makeup, and haircare generating a whopping $430 billion in revenue. This isn't just a market; it's a thriving ecosystem of opportunities waiting to be explored. And guess who's at the forefront of this revolution? <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The 11-year-old influencers. </span></p>\n<p>Trends show a growing preference for specific ingredients like hyaluronic acid, a heightened interest in sustainability, and a desire for personalized experiences. What I witnessed at the heels of those 11-year-olds in Target aligned perfectly with these industry shifts.</p>\n<p>Moreover, the rise of e-commerce in beauty and cosmetics indicates a shift in consumer behavior towards online purchasing. This resonates with our need to understand the digital behaviors of younger consumers, a crucial aspect we addressed during our immersive shopping journey. The evolving tastes and preferences in the beauty industry, inspired by influential styles and a growing demand for unisex products, underline the importance of engaging with and understanding the younger audience.</p>\n<p>Looking ahead to 2024, the brands and retailers that pay attention to these observations are the ones set to lead the way in the ever-evolving landscape of shopper marketing.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing (4)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\"></p>\n<h2>Partnering with InStore Design Display</h2>\n<p>Here's where InStore Design Display steps into the picture, adding an extra layer of innovation and expertise to the equation. As the Chief Revenue Officer, I'm proud to say that our commitment goes beyond just understanding the trends—we're actively shaping them.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span>\"We believe every brand deserves an expert to guide and elevate their in-store experience.\" — Team IDD</span></h2>\n</blockquote>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We focus on ensuring that your displays are not just visually appealing but also align with your brand's identity. Our point of purchase (POP) solutions are designed and crafted with precision, combining creativity with strategic placement to drive sales and engagement.</p>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">We deliver our expertise in deployment management to ensure your in-store displays not only captivate your audience but are executed seamlessly. Project management is our forte. We excel at project coordination, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision. From setting realistic project timelines to tracking budgets, we provide a transparent and efficient process.</p>\n<p>We're not just about executing projects; we're about creating success stories and impact with custom retail solutions. Our in-store display rollouts are not just successful; they are backed by compelling case studies that showcase the positive influence on sales and brand perception.</p>\n<h2>Overall: A Mindset Shift</h2>\n<p>What started as a stroll through Target turned into a revelation—a mindset shift in how we approach shopper marketing. It's not just about selling products; it's about <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">creating experiences</span> that resonate with the values and aspirations of the next generation. When you are ready to deliver that kind of experience to your ideal shopper, we're ready to partner.&nbsp; Click on the Contact Us link and let us know about your project.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>{{cta('e2c608ea-fc13-43c8-a18b-e701c9576dd3')}}</p>\n<hr>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Trevor Lewis (1)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 150px; margin: 30px 23px 30px 0px; float: left;\"></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">About the Author</span><br><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">Trevor Lewis is InStore Design Display's chief revenue officer, partner, and brand evangelist. He co-hosts the <a href=\"/podcast\" rel=\"noopener\">Blue Light Special Podcast</a>, where CPG brand marketers go to learn more about retail and real life. Follow him on </span><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size: 16rem;\">LinkedIn</a><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\"> where he regularly t</span><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">alks about #cpg, #health, #dadlife, #displaymarketing, and #shoppermarketing.</span></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>", "postBodyRss" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<h2><span>The Immersive Dive: Unraveling Shopper Habits</span></h2>\n<p>Envision this: a squad of 11-year-olds, my daughter leading the pack, expertly maneuvering through the expansive aisles of retail giant Target. I wasn't a passive onlooker; I dove headfirst into their world. From the moment we stepped into the store to the vibrant buzz at the checkout, every move, every decision, had me hooked. This immersive journey went beyond the physical space; it was a deep dive into unraveling the intricate dynamics of their decision-making process.</p>\n<p>While this shopping escapade wasn't a new experience for me, it triggered a thought. It struck me that some brands might be missing the mark when it comes to considering Gen-Alpha in their game plan for in-store displays, store layouts, and the overall in-store vibe.</p>\n<p>The discussions sparked by this eye-opening expedition around the office water cooler resonated profoundly with our team. It hit us that this would be a prime topic to share with our audience—a gateway to delve into the art of crafting environments that seamlessly align with the preferences of the next generation.</p>\n<h2><span>Probing Brand Discovery: Where Do They Find Us?</span></h2>\n<p>I needed to get beyond mere observation. So, I plunged into the world of 11-year-olds, exploring their wishes, their dreams. Answers to the question: “What were your top five Christmas wishes?” (not what they got) revealed their desires, aspirations, and preferences that weren’t immediately clear.</p>\n<p>What products do these young consumers want?</p>\n<p>What features and values do they look for in health and beauty products?</p>\n<p>I quickly concluded that these conversations could serve as the groundwork for crafting future offerings that authentically resonate with the next generation.</p>\n<p>Now, let's connect this to the real-world experience.</p>\n<h2><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\">Trends in Beauty and Cosmetics</h2>\n<p>As of 2023, the beauty market has been experiencing remarkable growth, with skincare, fragrance, makeup, and haircare generating a whopping $430 billion in revenue. This isn't just a market; it's a thriving ecosystem of opportunities waiting to be explored. And guess who's at the forefront of this revolution? <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The 11-year-old influencers. </span></p>\n<p>Trends show a growing preference for specific ingredients like hyaluronic acid, a heightened interest in sustainability, and a desire for personalized experiences. What I witnessed at the heels of those 11-year-olds in Target aligned perfectly with these industry shifts.</p>\n<p>Moreover, the rise of e-commerce in beauty and cosmetics indicates a shift in consumer behavior towards online purchasing. This resonates with our need to understand the digital behaviors of younger consumers, a crucial aspect we addressed during our immersive shopping journey. The evolving tastes and preferences in the beauty industry, inspired by influential styles and a growing demand for unisex products, underline the importance of engaging with and understanding the younger audience.</p>\n<p>Looking ahead to 2024, the brands and retailers that pay attention to these observations are the ones set to lead the way in the ever-evolving landscape of shopper marketing.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing (4)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\"></p>\n<h2>Partnering with InStore Design Display</h2>\n<p>Here's where InStore Design Display steps into the picture, adding an extra layer of innovation and expertise to the equation. As the Chief Revenue Officer, I'm proud to say that our commitment goes beyond just understanding the trends—we're actively shaping them.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span>\"We believe every brand deserves an expert to guide and elevate their in-store experience.\" — Team IDD</span></h2>\n</blockquote>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We focus on ensuring that your displays are not just visually appealing but also align with your brand's identity. Our point of purchase (POP) solutions are designed and crafted with precision, combining creativity with strategic placement to drive sales and engagement.</p>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">We deliver our expertise in deployment management to ensure your in-store displays not only captivate your audience but are executed seamlessly. Project management is our forte. We excel at project coordination, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision. From setting realistic project timelines to tracking budgets, we provide a transparent and efficient process.</p>\n<p>We're not just about executing projects; we're about creating success stories and impact with custom retail solutions. Our in-store display rollouts are not just successful; they are backed by compelling case studies that showcase the positive influence on sales and brand perception.</p>\n<h2>Overall: A Mindset Shift</h2>\n<p>What started as a stroll through Target turned into a revelation—a mindset shift in how we approach shopper marketing. It's not just about selling products; it's about <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">creating experiences</span> that resonate with the values and aspirations of the next generation. When you are ready to deliver that kind of experience to your ideal shopper, we're ready to partner.&nbsp; Click on the Contact Us link and let us know about your project.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>{{cta('e2c608ea-fc13-43c8-a18b-e701c9576dd3')}}</p>\n<hr>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Trevor Lewis (1)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 150px; margin: 30px 23px 30px 0px; float: left;\"></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">About the Author</span><br><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">Trevor Lewis is InStore Design Display's chief revenue officer, partner, and brand evangelist. He co-hosts the <a href=\"/podcast\" rel=\"noopener\">Blue Light Special Podcast</a>, where CPG brand marketers go to learn more about retail and real life. Follow him on </span><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size: 16rem;\">LinkedIn</a><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\"> where he regularly t</span><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">alks about #cpg, #health, #dadlife, #displaymarketing, and #shoppermarketing.</span></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>", "postEmailContent" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>", "postFeaturedImageIfEnabled" : "", "postListContent" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>", "postListSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "postRssContent" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>", "postRssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "postSummary" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>\n", "postSummaryRss" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>", "postTemplate" : "instore_pge_2023/templates/blog-post.html", "previewImageSrc" : null, "previewKey" : "rchZtKKx", "previousPostFeaturedImage" : "", "previousPostFeaturedImageAltText" : "", "previousPostName" : "6 Creative Retail Display Ideas for CBD Products", "previousPostSlug" : "insights/6-creative-retail-display-ideas-for-cbd-products-0", "processingStatus" : "PUBLISHED", "propertyForDynamicPageCanonicalUrl" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageFeaturedImage" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageMetaDescription" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageSlug" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageTitle" : null, "publicAccessRules" : [ ], "publicAccessRulesEnabled" : false, "publishDate" : 1707161343000, "publishDateLocalTime" : 1707161343000, "publishDateLocalized" : { "date" : 1707161343000, "format" : "medium", "language" : null }, "publishImmediately" : true, "publishTimezoneOffset" : null, "publishedAt" : 1711236741556, "publishedByEmail" : null, "publishedById" : 10651595, "publishedByName" : null, "publishedUrl" : "", "resolvedDomain" : "", "resolvedLanguage" : null, "rssBody" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>\n<!--more-->\n<h2><span>The Immersive Dive: Unraveling Shopper Habits</span></h2>\n<p>Envision this: a squad of 11-year-olds, my daughter leading the pack, expertly maneuvering through the expansive aisles of retail giant Target. I wasn't a passive onlooker; I dove headfirst into their world. From the moment we stepped into the store to the vibrant buzz at the checkout, every move, every decision, had me hooked. This immersive journey went beyond the physical space; it was a deep dive into unraveling the intricate dynamics of their decision-making process.</p>\n<p>While this shopping escapade wasn't a new experience for me, it triggered a thought. It struck me that some brands might be missing the mark when it comes to considering Gen-Alpha in their game plan for in-store displays, store layouts, and the overall in-store vibe.</p>\n<p>The discussions sparked by this eye-opening expedition around the office water cooler resonated profoundly with our team. It hit us that this would be a prime topic to share with our audience—a gateway to delve into the art of crafting environments that seamlessly align with the preferences of the next generation.</p>\n<h2><span>Probing Brand Discovery: Where Do They Find Us?</span></h2>\n<p>I needed to get beyond mere observation. So, I plunged into the world of 11-year-olds, exploring their wishes, their dreams. Answers to the question: “What were your top five Christmas wishes?” (not what they got) revealed their desires, aspirations, and preferences that weren’t immediately clear.</p>\n<p>What products do these young consumers want?</p>\n<p>What features and values do they look for in health and beauty products?</p>\n<p>I quickly concluded that these conversations could serve as the groundwork for crafting future offerings that authentically resonate with the next generation.</p>\n<p>Now, let's connect this to the real-world experience.</p>\n<h2><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\">Trends in Beauty and Cosmetics</h2>\n<p>As of 2023, the beauty market has been experiencing remarkable growth, with skincare, fragrance, makeup, and haircare generating a whopping $430 billion in revenue. This isn't just a market; it's a thriving ecosystem of opportunities waiting to be explored. And guess who's at the forefront of this revolution? <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">The 11-year-old influencers. </span></p>\n<p>Trends show a growing preference for specific ingredients like hyaluronic acid, a heightened interest in sustainability, and a desire for personalized experiences. What I witnessed at the heels of those 11-year-olds in Target aligned perfectly with these industry shifts.</p>\n<p>Moreover, the rise of e-commerce in beauty and cosmetics indicates a shift in consumer behavior towards online purchasing. This resonates with our need to understand the digital behaviors of younger consumers, a crucial aspect we addressed during our immersive shopping journey. The evolving tastes and preferences in the beauty industry, inspired by influential styles and a growing demand for unisex products, underline the importance of engaging with and understanding the younger audience.</p>\n<p>Looking ahead to 2024, the brands and retailers that pay attention to these observations are the ones set to lead the way in the ever-evolving landscape of shopper marketing.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Gen-Alpha Shopper Marketing (4)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 800px;\"></p>\n<h2>Partnering with InStore Design Display</h2>\n<p>Here's where InStore Design Display steps into the picture, adding an extra layer of innovation and expertise to the equation. As the Chief Revenue Officer, I'm proud to say that our commitment goes beyond just understanding the trends—we're actively shaping them.</p>\n<blockquote>\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span>\"We believe every brand deserves an expert to guide and elevate their in-store experience.\" — Team IDD</span></h2>\n</blockquote>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">Collaboration is at the heart of what we do. We focus on ensuring that your displays are not just visually appealing but also align with your brand's identity. Our point of purchase (POP) solutions are designed and crafted with precision, combining creativity with strategic placement to drive sales and engagement.</p>\n<p style=\"font-weight: normal;\">We deliver our expertise in deployment management to ensure your in-store displays not only captivate your audience but are executed seamlessly. Project management is our forte. We excel at project coordination, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision. From setting realistic project timelines to tracking budgets, we provide a transparent and efficient process.</p>\n<p>We're not just about executing projects; we're about creating success stories and impact with custom retail solutions. Our in-store display rollouts are not just successful; they are backed by compelling case studies that showcase the positive influence on sales and brand perception.</p>\n<h2>Overall: A Mindset Shift</h2>\n<p>What started as a stroll through Target turned into a revelation—a mindset shift in how we approach shopper marketing. It's not just about selling products; it's about <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">creating experiences</span> that resonate with the values and aspirations of the next generation. When you are ready to deliver that kind of experience to your ideal shopper, we're ready to partner.&nbsp; Click on the Contact Us link and let us know about your project.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>{{cta('e2c608ea-fc13-43c8-a18b-e701c9576dd3')}}</p>\n<hr>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" loading=\"lazy\" alt=\"Trevor Lewis (1)\" style=\"height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 150px; margin: 30px 23px 30px 0px; float: left;\"></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">About the Author</span><br><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">Trevor Lewis is InStore Design Display's chief revenue officer, partner, and brand evangelist. He co-hosts the <a href=\"/podcast\" rel=\"noopener\">Blue Light Special Podcast</a>, where CPG brand marketers go to learn more about retail and real life. Follow him on </span><a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size: 16rem;\">LinkedIn</a><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\"> where he regularly t</span><span style=\"font-size: 16rem; font-weight: 400; background-color: transparent;\">alks about #cpg, #health, #dadlife, #displaymarketing, and #shoppermarketing.</span></p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>", "rssSummary" : "<p>Recently, I had an eye-opening experience that led me to reexamine my approach to engaging with the younger generation. It wasn't a market report or a boardroom strategy session that sparked this revelation. No, it was a journey through Target with my 11-year-old daughter, and it turned out to be a masterclass in understanding the future of shopper behavior.</p>\n", "rssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "scheduledUpdateDate" : 0, "screenshotPreviewTakenAt" : 1711236741971, "screenshotPreviewUrl" : "", "sections" : { }, "securityState" : "NONE", "siteId" : null, "slug" : "insights/shopper-marketing-through-the-eyes-of-gen-alpha-a-revolution-unveiled", "stagedFrom" : null, "state" : "PUBLISHED", "stateWhenDeleted" : null, "styleOverrideId" : null, "subcategory" : "normal_blog_post", "syncedWithBlogRoot" : true, "tagIds" : [ 56468029809, 76877835426, 135463177117 ], "tagList" : [ { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1633025358062, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 56468029809, "label" : "Customer Experience", "language" : "en", "name" : "Customer Experience", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "customer-experience", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1633025358062 }, { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1655706113942, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 76877835426, "label" : "POP Display", "language" : null, "name" : "POP Display", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "pop-display", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1695743628178 }, { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1695057852462, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 135463177117, "label" : "Display Marketing", "language" : "en", "name" : "Display Marketing", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "display-marketing", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1695057852462 } ], "tagNames" : [ "Customer Experience", "POP Display", "Display Marketing" ], "teamPerms" : [ ], "templatePath" : "", "templatePathForRender" : "instore_pge_2023/templates/blog-post.html", "textToAudioFileId" : null, "textToAudioGenerationRequestId" : null, "themePath" : null, "themeSettingsValues" : null, "title" : "Through the Eyes of Gen-Alpha: A Shopper Marketing Revolution Unveiled", "tmsId" : null, "topicIds" : [ 56468029809, 76877835426, 135463177117 ], "topicList" : [ { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1633025358062, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 56468029809, "label" : "Customer Experience", "language" : "en", "name" : "Customer Experience", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "customer-experience", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1633025358062 }, { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1655706113942, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 76877835426, "label" : "POP Display", "language" : null, "name" : "POP Display", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "pop-display", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1695743628178 }, { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1695057852462, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 135463177117, "label" : "Display Marketing", "language" : "en", "name" : "Display Marketing", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "display-marketing", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1695057852462 } ], "topicNames" : [ "Customer Experience", "POP Display", "Display Marketing" ], "topics" : [ 56468029809, 76877835426, 135463177117 ], "translatedContent" : { }, "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "tweet" : null, "tweetAt" : null, "tweetImmediately" : false, "unpublishedAt" : 0, "updated" : 1711236741562, "updatedById" : 10651595, "upsizeFeaturedImage" : false, "url" : "", "useFeaturedImage" : true, "userPerms" : [ ], "views" : null, "visibleToAll" : null, "widgetContainers" : { }, "widgetcontainers" : { }, "widgets" : { } })
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Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>\n", "post_body" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> I am. I grew up in Johnson County and went to the University of Kansas for my undergrad. My only time living outside the area was a 10-month stint in Cleveland, and I was glad to get back to KC.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Favorite food?</span></strong><em> I love Mexican food. </em><em><span style=\"color: #252423;\">It doesn't really matter what restaurant I go to as long as their chips and salsa are good.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong> <em>They are all good, but I probably visit Kansas City Joe's more than others, and my favorite order is the Rocket pig with fries and onion rings.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong> <em>I've been married to my college sweetheart Lindy for 14 years, and we have two daughters, ages 11 and 8. Plus we have three female cats. I'm outnumbered 6 to 1 in my household.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>Sports are what I spend the most time on outside of work. My daughters both play soccer, and I'm an avid sideline supporter for both of them. College basketball is probably my favorite sport to watch along with professional football. I'm a huge fan of Jayhawk basketball and football, Chiefs, and Royals. I also like to build and fix things around the house. My most recent project was finishing off part of my basement. Last year provided ample time to get the honey-do list complete.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> Anything related to animals. We have rescued several cats over the years. They seem to adopt us more than we adopt them. We support local shelters like Kitty City. I also regularly donate to the Community Blood Center. I would urge anyone who is able to donate as frequently as they can.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I was fortunate to work with Trevor Lewis and Shana Ryan in a previous project management role, so friendship was a big part of what drew me to IDD. I also was excited about the project manager role. IDD's project management process is similar to what I have done before, but now I will have more in-depth relationships with clients. One of my biggest strengths is problem-solving and that is a key element to my new role. I was drawn to the family-friendly nature of IDD as well. I want to be at my daughter's soccer practices and games, and at IDD balancing family and work is not only possible, it's a priority.</em></p>\n<p>The uniquely talented and hardworking members of Team IDD are why InStore Design Display is what it is. We are excited to have Adam on the team and look forward to all the great things he will contribute to IDD and our clients. Adam can be found on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow him there, and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "rss_summary" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>\n", "rss_body" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> I am. I grew up in Johnson County and went to the University of Kansas for my undergrad. My only time living outside the area was a 10-month stint in Cleveland, and I was glad to get back to KC.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Favorite food?</span></strong><em> I love Mexican food. </em><em><span style=\"color: #252423;\">It doesn't really matter what restaurant I go to as long as their chips and salsa are good.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong> <em>They are all good, but I probably visit Kansas City Joe's more than others, and my favorite order is the Rocket pig with fries and onion rings.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong> <em>I've been married to my college sweetheart Lindy for 14 years, and we have two daughters, ages 11 and 8. Plus we have three female cats. I'm outnumbered 6 to 1 in my household.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>Sports are what I spend the most time on outside of work. My daughters both play soccer, and I'm an avid sideline supporter for both of them. College basketball is probably my favorite sport to watch along with professional football. I'm a huge fan of Jayhawk basketball and football, Chiefs, and Royals. I also like to build and fix things around the house. My most recent project was finishing off part of my basement. Last year provided ample time to get the honey-do list complete.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> Anything related to animals. We have rescued several cats over the years. They seem to adopt us more than we adopt them. We support local shelters like Kitty City. I also regularly donate to the Community Blood Center. I would urge anyone who is able to donate as frequently as they can.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I was fortunate to work with Trevor Lewis and Shana Ryan in a previous project management role, so friendship was a big part of what drew me to IDD. I also was excited about the project manager role. IDD's project management process is similar to what I have done before, but now I will have more in-depth relationships with clients. One of my biggest strengths is problem-solving and that is a key element to my new role. I was drawn to the family-friendly nature of IDD as well. I want to be at my daughter's soccer practices and games, and at IDD balancing family and work is not only possible, it's a priority.</em></p>\n<p>The uniquely talented and hardworking members of Team IDD are why InStore Design Display is what it is. We are excited to have Adam on the team and look forward to all the great things he will contribute to IDD and our clients. Adam can be found on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow him there, and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "tag_ids" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "topic_ids" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "enable_google_amp_output_override" : false, "generate_json_ld_enabled" : true, "public_access_rules" : [ ], "public_access_rules_enabled" : false, "html_title" : "Employee Spotlight: Adam Cox", "blog_post_schedule_task_uid" : null, "blog_publish_to_social_media_task" : "DONE_NOT_SENT", "blog_publish_instant_email_task_uid" : "DONE", "blog_publish_instant_email_campaign_id" : null, "blog_publish_instant_email_retry_count" : null, "keywords" : [ ], "composition_id" : 0, "is_crawlable_by_bots" : false, "property_for_dynamic_page_title" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_slug" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_meta_description" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_featured_image" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_canonical_url" : null, "preview_image_src" : null, "legacy_blog_tabid" : null, "legacy_post_guid" : null, "performable_variation_letter" : null, "style_override_id" : null, "has_user_changes" : true, "css" : { }, "css_text" : "", "unpublished_at" : 0, "published_by_id" : 10651595, "allowed_slug_conflict" : false, "ai_features" : null, "link_rel_canonical_url" : null, "page_redirected" : false, "page_expiry_enabled" : null, "page_expiry_date" : null, "page_expiry_redirect_id" : null, "page_expiry_redirect_url" : null, "deleted_by_id" : null, "deleted_by" : null, "state_when_deleted" : null, "cloned_from" : null, "staged_from" : null, "personas" : [ ], "compose_body" : null, "featured_image" : "", "featured_image_alt_text" : "Adam Cox Senior Project Manager", "featured_image_width" : 0, "featured_image_height" : 0, "publish_timezone_offset" : null, "theme_settings_values" : null, "enable_layout_stylesheets" : null, "tweet" : null, "tweet_at" : null, "campaign_name" : "Q3 Scheduled Posts", "campaign_utm" : "Q3%20Scheduled%20Posts", "meta_keywords" : null, "meta_description" : "Team IDD welcomes a new senior project manager, Adam Cox. 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Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> I am. I grew up in Johnson County and went to the University of Kansas for my undergrad. My only time living outside the area was a 10-month stint in Cleveland, and I was glad to get back to KC.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Favorite food?</span></strong><em> I love Mexican food. </em><em><span style=\"color: #252423;\">It doesn't really matter what restaurant I go to as long as their chips and salsa are good.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong> <em>They are all good, but I probably visit Kansas City Joe's more than others, and my favorite order is the Rocket pig with fries and onion rings.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong> <em>I've been married to my college sweetheart Lindy for 14 years, and we have two daughters, ages 11 and 8. Plus we have three female cats. I'm outnumbered 6 to 1 in my household.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>Sports are what I spend the most time on outside of work. My daughters both play soccer, and I'm an avid sideline supporter for both of them. College basketball is probably my favorite sport to watch along with professional football. I'm a huge fan of Jayhawk basketball and football, Chiefs, and Royals. I also like to build and fix things around the house. My most recent project was finishing off part of my basement. Last year provided ample time to get the honey-do list complete.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> Anything related to animals. We have rescued several cats over the years. They seem to adopt us more than we adopt them. We support local shelters like Kitty City. I also regularly donate to the Community Blood Center. I would urge anyone who is able to donate as frequently as they can.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I was fortunate to work with Trevor Lewis and Shana Ryan in a previous project management role, so friendship was a big part of what drew me to IDD. I also was excited about the project manager role. IDD's project management process is similar to what I have done before, but now I will have more in-depth relationships with clients. One of my biggest strengths is problem-solving and that is a key element to my new role. I was drawn to the family-friendly nature of IDD as well. I want to be at my daughter's soccer practices and games, and at IDD balancing family and work is not only possible, it's a priority.</em></p>\n<p>The uniquely talented and hardworking members of Team IDD are why InStore Design Display is what it is. We are excited to have Adam on the team and look forward to all the great things he will contribute to IDD and our clients. Adam can be found on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow him there, and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "postBodyRss" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> I am. I grew up in Johnson County and went to the University of Kansas for my undergrad. My only time living outside the area was a 10-month stint in Cleveland, and I was glad to get back to KC.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Favorite food?</span></strong><em> I love Mexican food. </em><em><span style=\"color: #252423;\">It doesn't really matter what restaurant I go to as long as their chips and salsa are good.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong> <em>They are all good, but I probably visit Kansas City Joe's more than others, and my favorite order is the Rocket pig with fries and onion rings.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong> <em>I've been married to my college sweetheart Lindy for 14 years, and we have two daughters, ages 11 and 8. Plus we have three female cats. I'm outnumbered 6 to 1 in my household.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>Sports are what I spend the most time on outside of work. My daughters both play soccer, and I'm an avid sideline supporter for both of them. College basketball is probably my favorite sport to watch along with professional football. I'm a huge fan of Jayhawk basketball and football, Chiefs, and Royals. I also like to build and fix things around the house. My most recent project was finishing off part of my basement. Last year provided ample time to get the honey-do list complete.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> Anything related to animals. We have rescued several cats over the years. They seem to adopt us more than we adopt them. We support local shelters like Kitty City. I also regularly donate to the Community Blood Center. I would urge anyone who is able to donate as frequently as they can.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I was fortunate to work with Trevor Lewis and Shana Ryan in a previous project management role, so friendship was a big part of what drew me to IDD. I also was excited about the project manager role. IDD's project management process is similar to what I have done before, but now I will have more in-depth relationships with clients. One of my biggest strengths is problem-solving and that is a key element to my new role. I was drawn to the family-friendly nature of IDD as well. I want to be at my daughter's soccer practices and games, and at IDD balancing family and work is not only possible, it's a priority.</em></p>\n<p>The uniquely talented and hardworking members of Team IDD are why InStore Design Display is what it is. We are excited to have Adam on the team and look forward to all the great things he will contribute to IDD and our clients. Adam can be found on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow him there, and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "postEmailContent" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>", "postFeaturedImageIfEnabled" : "", "postListContent" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>", "postListSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "postRssContent" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>", "postRssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "postSummary" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>\n", "postSummaryRss" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>", "postTemplate" : "instore_pge_2023/templates/blog-post.html", "previewImageSrc" : null, "previewKey" : "mCAKSaaJ", "previousPostFeaturedImage" : "", "previousPostFeaturedImageAltText" : "Next Generation Shoppers Insights", "previousPostName" : "Through the Eyes of Gen-Alpha: A Shopper Marketing Revolution Unveiled", "previousPostSlug" : "insights/shopper-marketing-through-the-eyes-of-gen-alpha-a-revolution-unveiled", "processingStatus" : "PUBLISHED", "propertyForDynamicPageCanonicalUrl" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageFeaturedImage" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageMetaDescription" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageSlug" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageTitle" : null, "publicAccessRules" : [ ], "publicAccessRulesEnabled" : false, "publishDate" : 1631709000000, "publishDateLocalTime" : 1631709000000, "publishDateLocalized" : { "date" : 1631709000000, "format" : "medium", "language" : null }, "publishImmediately" : true, "publishTimezoneOffset" : null, "publishedAt" : 1695744001109, "publishedByEmail" : null, "publishedById" : 10651595, "publishedByName" : null, "publishedUrl" : "", "resolvedDomain" : "", "resolvedLanguage" : null, "rssBody" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> I am. I grew up in Johnson County and went to the University of Kansas for my undergrad. My only time living outside the area was a 10-month stint in Cleveland, and I was glad to get back to KC.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Favorite food?</span></strong><em> I love Mexican food. </em><em><span style=\"color: #252423;\">It doesn't really matter what restaurant I go to as long as their chips and salsa are good.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong> <em>They are all good, but I probably visit Kansas City Joe's more than others, and my favorite order is the Rocket pig with fries and onion rings.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong> <em>I've been married to my college sweetheart Lindy for 14 years, and we have two daughters, ages 11 and 8. Plus we have three female cats. I'm outnumbered 6 to 1 in my household.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>Sports are what I spend the most time on outside of work. My daughters both play soccer, and I'm an avid sideline supporter for both of them. College basketball is probably my favorite sport to watch along with professional football. I'm a huge fan of Jayhawk basketball and football, Chiefs, and Royals. I also like to build and fix things around the house. My most recent project was finishing off part of my basement. Last year provided ample time to get the honey-do list complete.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> Anything related to animals. We have rescued several cats over the years. They seem to adopt us more than we adopt them. We support local shelters like Kitty City. I also regularly donate to the Community Blood Center. I would urge anyone who is able to donate as frequently as they can.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I was fortunate to work with Trevor Lewis and Shana Ryan in a previous project management role, so friendship was a big part of what drew me to IDD. I also was excited about the project manager role. IDD's project management process is similar to what I have done before, but now I will have more in-depth relationships with clients. One of my biggest strengths is problem-solving and that is a key element to my new role. I was drawn to the family-friendly nature of IDD as well. I want to be at my daughter's soccer practices and games, and at IDD balancing family and work is not only possible, it's a priority.</em></p>\n<p>The uniquely talented and hardworking members of Team IDD are why InStore Design Display is what it is. We are excited to have Adam on the team and look forward to all the great things he will contribute to IDD and our clients. Adam can be found on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow him there, and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "rssSummary" : "<p>When it comes to attracting top talent to InStore Design Display, we're on a roll right now. Team IDD is excited to welcome its newest member—<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Adam Cox</span>. He joins our team as a senior project manager. With more than 20 years of project management experience, Adam's passion is helping clients promote and grow their products and businesses.&nbsp;</p>\n", "rssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "scheduledUpdateDate" : 0, "screenshotPreviewTakenAt" : 1710086404972, "screenshotPreviewUrl" : "", "sections" : { }, "securityState" : "NONE", "siteId" : null, "slug" : "insights/idd-team-member-spotlight-adam-cox", "stagedFrom" : null, "state" : "PUBLISHED", "stateWhenDeleted" : null, "styleOverrideId" : null, "subcategory" : "normal_blog_post", "syncedWithBlogRoot" : true, "tagIds" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "tagList" : [ { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1565100610469, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 11892696652, "label" : "Company News", "language" : null, "name" : "Company News", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "company-news", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1565100610469 }, { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1606096700249, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 37884474740, "label" : "Employee Spotlight", "language" : null, "name" : "Employee Spotlight", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "employee-spotlight", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1667257983348 } ], "tagNames" : [ "Company News", "Employee Spotlight" ], "teamPerms" : [ ], "templatePath" : "", "templatePathForRender" : "instore_pge_2023/templates/blog-post.html", "textToAudioFileId" : null, "textToAudioGenerationRequestId" : null, "themePath" : null, "themeSettingsValues" : null, "title" : "Employee Spotlight: Adam Cox", "tmsId" : null, "topicIds" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "topicList" : [ { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1565100610469, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 11892696652, "label" : "Company News", "language" : null, "name" : "Company News", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "company-news", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1565100610469 }, { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1606096700249, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 37884474740, "label" : "Employee Spotlight", "language" : null, "name" : "Employee Spotlight", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "employee-spotlight", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1667257983348 } ], "topicNames" : [ "Company News", "Employee Spotlight" ], "topics" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "translatedContent" : { }, "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "tweet" : null, "tweetAt" : null, "tweetImmediately" : false, "unpublishedAt" : 0, "updated" : 1695744001117, "updatedById" : 10651595, "upsizeFeaturedImage" : false, "url" : "", "useFeaturedImage" : true, "userPerms" : [ ], "views" : null, "visibleToAll" : null, "widgetContainers" : { }, "widgetcontainers" : { }, "widgets" : { } })
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She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>\n", "post_body" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> No, I'm an Illinois farm girl. However, I've lived in Kansas City longer than in Illinois. I came here right after college and never left except for a year in Panama. I was young and had the opportunity to live there for free. But, I was glad to come back to the good ol' USA.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> While I didn't grow up on barbeque in Illinois, </span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\">Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que</span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> is my favorite.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite spot to grab a cocktail?</span></strong> <em>I've become a fan of hard cider cocktails. The best ones are in Northwest Arkansas where there are a number of hard cider microbreweries.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> I'm a single mom with three kiddos. My oldest is eighteen and just graduated from high school. She's into nursing and already has her CNA license. My second daughter is 15 and will be a sophomore. She's into competitive gymnastics. And my son is 10, and baseball is his life.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>I'm an outdoorsy person so when I have the time, I'm gardening, hiking, or kayaking. However, it seems like running after my three kids consumes my time for hobbies.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> The March of Dimes, Ronald McDonald House, and Children's Mercy Hospital are organizations I support. For more than 15 years, I was involved with the March of Dimes' Bikers for Babies event. I provided my marketing and graphic design skills to help with brochures, posters, and magazines. I became familiar with those organizations because my oldest daughter has a rare genetic condition. We spent a lot of time at Children's Mercy when she was little and took full advantage of what the Ronald McDonald House had to offer.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite sports team? </span></strong><em>Any team my kids are on. I'm also a true Chiefs and Royals fan.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I could tell it was a forward looking company that valued my design expertise and retail knowledge, not just my client base. This position allows me to do what I'm most passionate about — being creative. At IDD, I have the opportunity to design displays with a supportive team working together. I'm fortunate my project manager Cheryl Myers was able to come with me to IDD. I've taken my team with me every time I've moved companies. I know that I'm only as good as the people working with me.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p>InStore Design Display wouldn't exist without the uniquely talented and hardworking team members we have been fortunate enough to attract. We are excited to have Christine on the team and look forward to all the great things she will contribute to IDD and our clients. Christine's a regular contributor on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow her there and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "rss_summary" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>\n", "rss_body" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> No, I'm an Illinois farm girl. However, I've lived in Kansas City longer than in Illinois. I came here right after college and never left except for a year in Panama. I was young and had the opportunity to live there for free. But, I was glad to come back to the good ol' USA.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> While I didn't grow up on barbeque in Illinois, </span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\">Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que</span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> is my favorite.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite spot to grab a cocktail?</span></strong> <em>I've become a fan of hard cider cocktails. The best ones are in Northwest Arkansas where there are a number of hard cider microbreweries.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> I'm a single mom with three kiddos. My oldest is eighteen and just graduated from high school. She's into nursing and already has her CNA license. My second daughter is 15 and will be a sophomore. She's into competitive gymnastics. And my son is 10, and baseball is his life.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>I'm an outdoorsy person so when I have the time, I'm gardening, hiking, or kayaking. However, it seems like running after my three kids consumes my time for hobbies.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> The March of Dimes, Ronald McDonald House, and Children's Mercy Hospital are organizations I support. For more than 15 years, I was involved with the March of Dimes' Bikers for Babies event. I provided my marketing and graphic design skills to help with brochures, posters, and magazines. I became familiar with those organizations because my oldest daughter has a rare genetic condition. We spent a lot of time at Children's Mercy when she was little and took full advantage of what the Ronald McDonald House had to offer.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite sports team? </span></strong><em>Any team my kids are on. I'm also a true Chiefs and Royals fan.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I could tell it was a forward looking company that valued my design expertise and retail knowledge, not just my client base. This position allows me to do what I'm most passionate about — being creative. At IDD, I have the opportunity to design displays with a supportive team working together. I'm fortunate my project manager Cheryl Myers was able to come with me to IDD. I've taken my team with me every time I've moved companies. I know that I'm only as good as the people working with me.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p>InStore Design Display wouldn't exist without the uniquely talented and hardworking team members we have been fortunate enough to attract. We are excited to have Christine on the team and look forward to all the great things she will contribute to IDD and our clients. Christine's a regular contributor on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow her there and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "tag_ids" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "topic_ids" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "enable_google_amp_output_override" : false, "generate_json_ld_enabled" : true, "public_access_rules" : [ ], "public_access_rules_enabled" : false, "html_title" : "Employee Spotlight: Christine Wright", "blog_post_schedule_task_uid" : null, "blog_publish_to_social_media_task" : "DONE_NOT_SENT", "blog_publish_instant_email_task_uid" : "DONE", "blog_publish_instant_email_campaign_id" : null, "blog_publish_instant_email_retry_count" : null, "keywords" : [ ], "composition_id" : 0, "is_crawlable_by_bots" : false, "property_for_dynamic_page_title" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_slug" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_meta_description" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_featured_image" : null, "property_for_dynamic_page_canonical_url" : null, 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She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> No, I'm an Illinois farm girl. However, I've lived in Kansas City longer than in Illinois. I came here right after college and never left except for a year in Panama. I was young and had the opportunity to live there for free. But, I was glad to come back to the good ol' USA.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> While I didn't grow up on barbeque in Illinois, </span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\">Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que</span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> is my favorite.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite spot to grab a cocktail?</span></strong> <em>I've become a fan of hard cider cocktails. The best ones are in Northwest Arkansas where there are a number of hard cider microbreweries.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> I'm a single mom with three kiddos. My oldest is eighteen and just graduated from high school. She's into nursing and already has her CNA license. My second daughter is 15 and will be a sophomore. She's into competitive gymnastics. And my son is 10, and baseball is his life.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>I'm an outdoorsy person so when I have the time, I'm gardening, hiking, or kayaking. However, it seems like running after my three kids consumes my time for hobbies.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> The March of Dimes, Ronald McDonald House, and Children's Mercy Hospital are organizations I support. For more than 15 years, I was involved with the March of Dimes' Bikers for Babies event. I provided my marketing and graphic design skills to help with brochures, posters, and magazines. I became familiar with those organizations because my oldest daughter has a rare genetic condition. We spent a lot of time at Children's Mercy when she was little and took full advantage of what the Ronald McDonald House had to offer.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite sports team? </span></strong><em>Any team my kids are on. I'm also a true Chiefs and Royals fan.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I could tell it was a forward looking company that valued my design expertise and retail knowledge, not just my client base. This position allows me to do what I'm most passionate about — being creative. At IDD, I have the opportunity to design displays with a supportive team working together. I'm fortunate my project manager Cheryl Myers was able to come with me to IDD. I've taken my team with me every time I've moved companies. I know that I'm only as good as the people working with me.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p>InStore Design Display wouldn't exist without the uniquely talented and hardworking team members we have been fortunate enough to attract. We are excited to have Christine on the team and look forward to all the great things she will contribute to IDD and our clients. Christine's a regular contributor on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow her there and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "postBodyRss" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> No, I'm an Illinois farm girl. However, I've lived in Kansas City longer than in Illinois. I came here right after college and never left except for a year in Panama. I was young and had the opportunity to live there for free. But, I was glad to come back to the good ol' USA.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> While I didn't grow up on barbeque in Illinois, </span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\">Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que</span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> is my favorite.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite spot to grab a cocktail?</span></strong> <em>I've become a fan of hard cider cocktails. The best ones are in Northwest Arkansas where there are a number of hard cider microbreweries.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> I'm a single mom with three kiddos. My oldest is eighteen and just graduated from high school. She's into nursing and already has her CNA license. My second daughter is 15 and will be a sophomore. She's into competitive gymnastics. And my son is 10, and baseball is his life.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>I'm an outdoorsy person so when I have the time, I'm gardening, hiking, or kayaking. However, it seems like running after my three kids consumes my time for hobbies.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> The March of Dimes, Ronald McDonald House, and Children's Mercy Hospital are organizations I support. For more than 15 years, I was involved with the March of Dimes' Bikers for Babies event. I provided my marketing and graphic design skills to help with brochures, posters, and magazines. I became familiar with those organizations because my oldest daughter has a rare genetic condition. We spent a lot of time at Children's Mercy when she was little and took full advantage of what the Ronald McDonald House had to offer.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite sports team? </span></strong><em>Any team my kids are on. I'm also a true Chiefs and Royals fan.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I could tell it was a forward looking company that valued my design expertise and retail knowledge, not just my client base. This position allows me to do what I'm most passionate about — being creative. At IDD, I have the opportunity to design displays with a supportive team working together. I'm fortunate my project manager Cheryl Myers was able to come with me to IDD. I've taken my team with me every time I've moved companies. I know that I'm only as good as the people working with me.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p>InStore Design Display wouldn't exist without the uniquely talented and hardworking team members we have been fortunate enough to attract. We are excited to have Christine on the team and look forward to all the great things she will contribute to IDD and our clients. Christine's a regular contributor on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow her there and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "postEmailContent" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>", "postFeaturedImageIfEnabled" : "", "postListContent" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>", "postListSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "postRssContent" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>", "postRssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "postSummary" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>\n", "postSummaryRss" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>", "postTemplate" : "instore_pge_2023/templates/blog-post.html", "previewImageSrc" : null, "previewKey" : "JBukGWFB", "previousPostFeaturedImage" : "", "previousPostFeaturedImageAltText" : "Adam Cox Senior Project Manager", "previousPostName" : "Employee Spotlight: Adam Cox", "previousPostSlug" : "insights/idd-team-member-spotlight-adam-cox", "processingStatus" : "PUBLISHED", "propertyForDynamicPageCanonicalUrl" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageFeaturedImage" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageMetaDescription" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageSlug" : null, "propertyForDynamicPageTitle" : null, "publicAccessRules" : [ ], "publicAccessRulesEnabled" : false, "publishDate" : 1628201222000, "publishDateLocalTime" : 1628201222000, "publishDateLocalized" : { "date" : 1628201222000, "format" : "medium", "language" : null }, "publishImmediately" : true, "publishTimezoneOffset" : null, "publishedAt" : 1695744033330, "publishedByEmail" : null, "publishedById" : 10651595, "publishedByName" : null, "publishedUrl" : "", "resolvedDomain" : "", "resolvedLanguage" : null, "rssBody" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>\n<!--more-->\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Are you a KC Native?</span></strong><em> No, I'm an Illinois farm girl. However, I've lived in Kansas City longer than in Illinois. I came here right after college and never left except for a year in Panama. I was young and had the opportunity to live there for free. But, I was glad to come back to the good ol' USA.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite KC BBQ?</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> While I didn't grow up on barbeque in Illinois, </span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\">Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que</span></em><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> is my favorite.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite spot to grab a cocktail?</span></strong> <em>I've become a fan of hard cider cocktails. The best ones are in Northwest Arkansas where there are a number of hard cider microbreweries.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Tell us a little about your family.</span></strong><em><span style=\"color: #4c4c4d;\"> I'm a single mom with three kiddos. My oldest is eighteen and just graduated from high school. She's into nursing and already has her CNA license. My second daughter is 15 and will be a sophomore. She's into competitive gymnastics. And my son is 10, and baseball is his life.</span></em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">What are some of your hobbies?</span></strong> <em>I'm an outdoorsy person so when I have the time, I'm gardening, hiking, or kayaking. However, it seems like running after my three kids consumes my time for hobbies.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9900;\">Are there any causes you are passionate about?</span></strong><em> The March of Dimes, Ronald McDonald House, and Children's Mercy Hospital are organizations I support. For more than 15 years, I was involved with the March of Dimes' Bikers for Babies event. I provided my marketing and graphic design skills to help with brochures, posters, and magazines. I became familiar with those organizations because my oldest daughter has a rare genetic condition. We spent a lot of time at Children's Mercy when she was little and took full advantage of what the Ronald McDonald House had to offer.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Favorite sports team? </span></strong><em>Any team my kids are on. I'm also a true Chiefs and Royals fan.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p><strong><span style=\"color: #ff9902;\">Why did you join the team at InStore Design Display?</span></strong><em> I could tell it was a forward looking company that valued my design expertise and retail knowledge, not just my client base. This position allows me to do what I'm most passionate about — being creative. At IDD, I have the opportunity to design displays with a supportive team working together. I'm fortunate my project manager Cheryl Myers was able to come with me to IDD. I've taken my team with me every time I've moved companies. I know that I'm only as good as the people working with me.&nbsp;</em></p>\n<p>InStore Design Display wouldn't exist without the uniquely talented and hardworking team members we have been fortunate enough to attract. We are excited to have Christine on the team and look forward to all the great things she will contribute to IDD and our clients. Christine's a regular contributor on <a href=\"\"><span>LinkedIn</span></a>, follow her there and see what's in-store for retail display design + build.</p>", "rssSummary" : "<p>InStore Design Display is excited to welcome a new member to our growing team — Christine Wright. She joins our team as a senior account director and brings a blend of sales and marketing skills to IDD. Christine's 20 years of expertise in mass retail spans everything from point-of-purchase signing programs to full display rollouts. If you've been in Walmart's jewelry department lately, you've seen her creativity at work.&nbsp;</p>\n", "rssSummaryFeaturedImage" : "", "scheduledUpdateDate" : 0, "screenshotPreviewTakenAt" : 1710086433823, "screenshotPreviewUrl" : "", "sections" : { }, "securityState" : "NONE", "siteId" : null, "slug" : "insights/idd-team-member-spotlight-christine-wright", "stagedFrom" : null, "state" : "PUBLISHED", "stateWhenDeleted" : null, "styleOverrideId" : null, "subcategory" : "normal_blog_post", "syncedWithBlogRoot" : true, "tagIds" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "tagList" : [ { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1565100610469, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 11892696652, "label" : "Company News", "language" : null, "name" : "Company News", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "company-news", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1565100610469 }, { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1606096700249, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 37884474740, "label" : "Employee Spotlight", "language" : null, "name" : "Employee Spotlight", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "employee-spotlight", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1667257983348 } ], "tagNames" : [ "Company News", "Employee Spotlight" ], "teamPerms" : [ ], "templatePath" : "", "templatePathForRender" : "instore_pge_2023/templates/blog-post.html", "textToAudioFileId" : null, "textToAudioGenerationRequestId" : null, "themePath" : null, "themeSettingsValues" : null, "title" : "Employee Spotlight: Christine Wright", "tmsId" : null, "topicIds" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "topicList" : [ { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1565100610469, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 11892696652, "label" : "Company News", "language" : null, "name" : "Company News", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "company-news", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1565100610469 }, { "categoryId" : 3, "cdnPurgeEmbargoTime" : null, "contentIds" : [ ], "cosObjectType" : "TAG", "created" : 1606096700249, "deletedAt" : 0, "description" : "", "id" : 37884474740, "label" : "Employee Spotlight", "language" : null, "name" : "Employee Spotlight", "portalId" : 4871505, "slug" : "employee-spotlight", "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "updated" : 1667257983348 } ], "topicNames" : [ "Company News", "Employee Spotlight" ], "topics" : [ 11892696652, 37884474740 ], "translatedContent" : { }, "translatedFromId" : null, "translations" : { }, "tweet" : null, "tweetAt" : null, "tweetImmediately" : false, "unpublishedAt" : 0, "updated" : 1695744033335, "updatedById" : 10651595, "upsizeFeaturedImage" : false, "url" : "", "useFeaturedImage" : true, "userPerms" : [ ], "views" : null, "visibleToAll" : null, "widgetContainers" : { }, "widgetcontainers" : { }, "widgets" : { } })

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