Title Boxing — Retail Environment
Title Boxing Club, a US gym franchise, was growing fast. It was a good problem to have, but when franchisees were approaching InStore Design Display at different times for various fixtures, they realized their ad-hoc approach to store design was creating a disjointed customer experience between different clubs.
With 160 different locations, it’s not hard to imagine how difficult it was for a franchise of this size to maintain a consistent store experience for members without an overarching plan. Each location was using different off-the-shelf fixtures and displays—from economy cases to black slatwall.
They knew their disjointedness was holding them back. They had opportunities nationwide to open new clubs. But to build a brand that would resonate, they needed more structure around their store experiences.
They approached IDD with this challenge. Team IDD prescribed a retail design program that would create consistency from the top down across all their locations.
As their end-to-end retail design partner, IDD collaborated with Title Boxing Club to craft and implement a cost-effective plan that would align the look and feel of all 160 store locations. IDD helped Title Boxing reimagine existing fixtures while implementing new fixtures to achieve a sleek but gritty feel. IDD combined Alta wall modules and nesting tables, along with displays for the Bauhaus line of apparel, to capture the desired look and feel.
Project Highlights
- Created a cohesive brand experience across 160 locations
- Refreshed the brand by utilizing new and existing fixtures
- Kept the project at or below budget
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